My Next Poem Poem by Daniel Brick

My Next Poem

Rating: 5.0

Is it waiting for me to find it
outdoors? Covered with the snow
that fell this morning, just a dusting
of powder snow, but sufficient to render
it invisible in a material world.
It has no inner light to signal its presence.
It could be trapped just below the third
step of a steep staircase. When I walk over it,
my shadow briefly touching it, it remains mute
though composed of words, silent unavailing words.

Or perhaps my next poem will never become
words on paper, because it is already resident
in her heart where she cherishes its wordless
message as it swells to fill interior space
with our mingled good wishes for the other,
both of us exerting a primal urge of such
spiritual intensity that the poem occupies
space and measures time, thus partaking
of both material and immaterial worlds.

My next poem could be lodged within a poem
by Denise Levertov: her words cleverly jumbled
and then rearranged will reveal something of
my poetic worth when carefully detached from
the body of her poem. And they will retain
the silver sheen and luminous truth of her art:
"To make / of song a chalice, / of Time, / a communion wine."

Or I can sit in this large chair, leaning
over this large desk, with scattered papers
of unfinished poems, stalled or still-born
or stubbornly resisting closure. Is my next
poem one of these unruly children of my mind?
Perhaps for my next poem I will surrender
to such misrule, join my proper speech to a chaos
of possibilities, and let the words find their
desired niches, as sound and rhythm toss them
in a riot of untrammeled creativity. This next poem
will be dedicated to the spirit of Sir John Falstaff.

Sunday, February 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: creativity,poetry
Nika Mcguin 04 March 2018

Your next poem is no longer a question mark, but a reality! It is always interesting how the search for inspiration never fails to bear fruit. You just start writing and suddenly you have more to say than you realized. I guess it's one of those build it and they will come type of things.

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Daniel 05 March 2018

Hello, dear Nika! Part of my motive for writing a poem called MY NEXT POEM is the fear that I had already written my l-a-s-t poem. Your comment dispels that fear and instead celebrates the fruitfulness of our minds. There is no end in sight, only more to see and create. Thanks much, my friend.

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Bharati Nayak 26 February 2018

Or perhaps my next poem will never become words on paper, because it is already resident in her heart where she cherishes its wordless message as it swells to fill interior space with our mingled good wishes for the other, - - - - - - -So marvelously written about the poems that are waiting to come.It is true, some poems just can not be expressed in words as words are too short to describe them.

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Daniel 05 March 2018

Absolutely true, dear Bharati. Words are insufficient but we still use them to express what is deepest and truest in our hearts. After writing poems as long as we have, we have created a safe place in which language can prevail..

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Glen Kappy 25 February 2018

i enjoyed this, daniel, recognizing the wanting to write a poem but in the waiting. it reminds me of my poem Semi-retired in Early Spring (in which i declare that the day is/was a poem) . the ideas will come to you, of that i have no doubt. -glen

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