It's Chemical Warfare (Stories Of War, Pt.3) Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

It's Chemical Warfare (Stories Of War, Pt.3)

It's so frigid
Yet I'm on fire, I'm hot
Then I'm not!

My stomach is turning,
I feel dizzy, I feel wired
My organs are burning,
Yet, my body's so tired.

Can't fall asleep—
But, barely awake!
I've done it for real now;
I'm this junk's bait.

Take some more,
Just a bit
Then, it will stop
This tantrum—this fit!

Legs, they ache.
Feet, they are swollen.
As my sanity's forsaken
From all that has been stolen

Bones are throbbing.
My god, I'm in such pain!
More like a lightning bolt—
This is not just rain.

The world around me crashed.
Yes, the ship has sunk.
I think they call this a habit.
But I swear I'll stay off the junk.

But then my thoughts are rapid
My actions are a mess
I lose more and more
As I gain less and less.

So take me now,
I'm ready to go
This poison, it has trapped me.
It's time to complete the show.

I reach out a hand
I beg for your touch
Pull me up higher
Life was brutal, was too tough

I'm up in heaven
This nightmare is done
I relax, and I sigh
Because in death I have won

It's over with—
It's the addiction is dead
And, I am now too
And, I can finally, finally,
Rest my aching head.

© copyright 2010-2024 It's Chemical Warfare (Stories of War, Pt.3)

It's Chemical Warfare (Stories Of War, Pt.3)
Friday, August 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction
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