In Realms Where Love's Discourse Reigns Supreme Poem by Mohammad Younus

In Realms Where Love's Discourse Reigns Supreme

In realms where Love's discourse reigns supreme,
In whispers soft, and echoes deep, untold,
There lies a quest, a yearning yet unmet,
For what Love is, and where its secrets dwell.

Within the chambers of the lover's soul,
Beyond the reach of mortal sight or grasp,
There beats a heart, a truth profound, unseen,
A mystery veiled, awaiting its reveal.

Yet in the throngs of those who claim to know,
A cacophony of voices rise and fall,
In futile quests and fruitless debates,
Their words like echoes in an empty hall.

They bow to ancestors, revere the past,
But shun the wisdom of the living sage,
In graves they seek what living hearts possess,
And miss the pearls of truth within their reach.

But I, in seeking, found a different path,
A journey inward, to the soul's vast depths,
Where duality dissolves in unity,
And truth reveals its face in every guise.

MyKoul proclaims: the truth is mine to own,
In every whisper of the wind, I hear its call,
For when the seeker finds the sought, in silence,
There lies the truth of what it means to be.

In Realms Where Love's Discourse Reigns Supreme
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