Howbeit You I Make My Wish Poem by Michael Eziudo

Howbeit You I Make My Wish

How will everyone say a birthday wish without me
How could the rain fall from all but from me
Has my mouth been tied with a beam
Hadn't it been along a stream
Where free flowing words rain in a ream
I shall say as I say happy birthday

Isn't it to a hero well loved?
Isn't it to a crown that a beauty made
Or to a lion in a jungle where all pride is guided
To a deity a fine gold in a thorny land
The light that cleanses path found
I shall say as I say, happy birthday

Let me see the cake baked
And the rice and turkey made
Let all from four winds come to dine
In the home where I say as I say of mine
Happy birthday to the eyes of stars that shine

Birthing is a thing of fate
Fate leads to doom or destiny
Can the god stand the goddess' plights
Has her fury dart burnt up in the fire of love
One born the chosen never shall lie low
If the throne of the sceptre falls in a right hand
I say as I shall say happy birthday

No existence begats back warding of the clock's hands
What exists begats regrets or joys
Had his days been full of dark time had it been of light times
Regret never makes one day dark day
The world is as it seems to whom it seems what it seems
Let today Be a time to say to those who live and all that lived
In tears climbed the hill or in merriment or never once hit it
Happy birthday to you

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: encouragement,birthday
Dawn Novus 01 November 2017

The ending wraps the birthday gift in finest wrapping. What a priceless birthday gift whoever this was for.

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Michael Eziudo

Michael Eziudo

Benin City, Nigeria
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