Have You Violated The Parallel Postulate? Poem by Julio 2 Amarante

Have You Violated The Parallel Postulate?

Have you violated the parallel postulate?
Lobargevkvsy & Bolyai
Hyperbolic geometry, to oblate
What else have you a truncated?

You want to expand, not to oblate.
You want to get your dreams as fate.
You are intentionally breaking the nexus,
And yet you remember Sexus and Plexus.
Teenager, instructing, masturbating literature,
With a great touch of art loving, you, immature,
How you have relayed on great literature!

They said you were lost in a world of books,
They said your nineteen75 red iron wine from Dão,
They say to drink not so much wine,
Eles lançam pageantry on top of truths,

They are not like you, scared, scared
And expõem articulated by educated opinions,
Expedited data two Big data, não das suas vontades,
They will substitute the analysis of the moment,
Esses digital awareness experts vivem de followers
E called itself "Influencers", hordes of bots,
Assim you "YouTubers" live or moment sem argument

As your crypto wallets dependdem duma phrase e uma pulseira,
They use cyber nerdiness to eat at cabeça,
E deitam-se ou fazem-no de pé que é mais potência,
So we show you to turn off the videos that you will upload,
E os minos e as minas, millénios, até creditas, lá na zoeira

Que é boé graceful tame or chavaloPm post do caralho.
I minos e ace mines, millénios, accreditam,
What a na zoeira,
There is a phrase true and not true

Que é boé graceful tame or kid
Com um close post do caralho, amansá-lo,

People don't know how badly they burned or what they said,
And he ends up joining NGOs to save the seals,
When the reality has been presented
De abandiendo o Eu tenho XP.tt Y (why)followers,
For eu, fragile and magoado, date-me in skeleton cups.
No time in which the cozinhas were flanked by those dependencies
E urgencies dos Hospitais is revealed to you comfort and read.

Those tempos that adventure will never exist
Those moments are certainly not the most,
Those remnescent ones that will never ever give up.

Urban languages ​​of real, pious and profane lives,
Histories of infâmias and glórias, both insane.

Parallel postulate, topology, fall of the State.

Have You Violated The Parallel Postulate?
Error Success