From Pieces To Peace Poem by Colette Dright

From Pieces To Peace

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There are so many times we have experienced situations where we were in pieces. Where we were broken into pieces, shattered into pieces, torn into pieces, left in pieces, picked up pieces, mended pieces, put pieces together… and so on.

But to be able to transition those pieces to Peace, is truly amazing!
The power is in the prayer, yes PRAY.
You have to transform your mind, your thoughts and your focus. You have to repent, remove and release in order for God to renew, replace and restore.

Repent and ask God to forgive you of your sins. And not only that, you have to forgive others. Yes, even those who have wronged you, hurt you or mistreated you... forgive them.
But you might say, 'But you don't know what they have done to me.'
I know it may be hard, but in order to move on, forgiveness is the key. You harboring hurt can be a hindrance as to why your breakthrough hasn't come yet and your blessings are not flowing. Do not allow the spirit of unforgiveness to block your blessings by not forgiving someone. I want ALL that God has in store for me and NO ONE is worth my blessings being cut off from God, so I'm forgiving everybody. But that's just me, maybe you are not there yet, ready to forgive that one. If that is the case, continue to pray for God's strength in this area.

Listen, we've all done things that were not pleasing in God's sight and yet He constantly forgives us.
Let me ask you this, who are you that God can forgive you over and over and over, yet you can't forgive someone?
There are times when we say, 'We're never going to do it again, ' and do it again and guess what? God forgives us… 'AGAIN.'
Remove yourself from the people who are not adding value to your life. If they are not encouraging you, uplifting you, loving you… If they are draining you, wearing you down and using you.. remove from them. Sometimes in life, in order to grow, you have to let go.
Release all hurt, bitterness, jealousy, anger and any other negative strong hold you may be harboring. Forgive and watch God begin to renew, replace and restore.

I went from pieces of a job to Peace in an early retirement.
From pieces of happiness to being happy in Peace
From loving in pieces to loving my Peace
From pieces of sleep, to sleeping in Peace
From being left in pieces to left in Peace...
An insurmountable Peace that this world could never give me. I want you too to have this Peace, God's Peace.
Continue to Pray, cry out and seek God and He will turn your life from pieces to Peace.

Friday, October 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: blessings,broken,forgiveness,forgiving,god,hurt,letting go,peace,pray,renewed hope,change
As I reflect over my life and my journey, I can see where at times I was in pieces. From pieces of happiness, to pieces of men, to pieces of financial struggles (meaning living from paycheck to paycheck and government assistance) , yet never hungry or homeless (thank God) , pieces of jobs, lack of spiritual growth, little motivation and encouragement, pieces of love here and there, but through it all, I was so strong in many areas. I changed my direction and focus. I removed myself from people who wasn't adding value to my life. I begin to hunger and seek God. My spiritual faith began to grow, I learned how to let go and let God. I learned how to forgive and ask for forgiveness and God gradually transformed my life from pieces to Peace.
Yiyan Han 30 October 2020

Well penned. And Yes forgiveness leads to happiness. " You harboring hurt can be a hinderance" - > Your harboring...?

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