Freedom Lies In Care Free And Tension Less Life! Poem by Ramesh T A

Freedom Lies In Care Free And Tension Less Life!

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Freedom Lies in Care Free and Tension Less Life!

In tension we live, do work and spend time till the end in the world;
All things we do with beauty should not be spoiled by bad elements;
A thing of beauty not only in Nature but also we do is a joy forever;
That creative work gives satisfaction, joy, pride and peace in world life!

Living a care free and tension less life is a boon one has only by God's grace;
Freedom we enjoy should be like that or else it is not worth living in the world long;
Truth, beauty and goodness should be protected by all means to be happy ever;
Fearless and bold way of life is possible by truth and knowledge and protect all!

Tension need to be normalized only by love and that has to be cherished by culture;
Civilization sans culture is full of tension, fear and competition only ever;
Victory and money are most worshiped rather than the Almighty who created all;
Protecting Nature, culture and art only, divinity can be developed in our life!

All cares we take to accomplish a mission builds up tension high;
But bearing all burden and finish all well, life becomes heavenly to live!

Freedom Lies In Care Free And Tension Less Life!
Victory and money are most worshiped rather than the Almighty who created all; Protecting Nature, culture and art only, divinity can be developed in our life!
Ramesh T A 15 May 2024

All cares we take to accomplish a mission builds up tension high; But bearing all burden and finish all well, life becomes heavenly to live!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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