Formula For Living Poem by Randy McClave

Formula For Living

The simple formula for living
Number One, always be helpful and giving,
Be joyful to give out a helping hand
And feel proud to help another person stand.
Number Two, always live beneath your means
No need to live like Kings or Queens,
Always be proud on how you dress
There is no person you need to ever impress.
Number Three, stop blaming other people
Seek your peace underneath a steeple,
Stop blaming others for your own fault
That thinking and believing should immediately hault.
Number Four, admit when you have made a mistake
That thinking you should not forsake,
We all have and continually make errors
Don't let yours mistakes be your nightmares and terrors.
Number Five, give your clothes away to charity
Give away your clothes with joy and clarity,
Let someone else who needs them wear them
Then go to a gym.
Number Six, for someone else do something nice
Give them a piece of paradise,
Give them something that they have sought
But, give it without ever being caught.
Number Seven, talk less and listen more
That's a main ingredient I must implore,
Listen to what others need and have to say
Unto God your words, you can always pray.
Number Eight, take yourself a 30 minute walk
Get to know yourself as to nature you talk,
Breathe in the fresh air
Then understand why God had put you there.
Number Nine, strive for excellence and perfection
Seek precision, virtue and not objection,
Do and build and achieve honor and pride
Then from no one will you ever hide.
Number Ten, be on time and never make excuses
Don't show off your bandages and your bruises,
Be exact and a person of your word
You will then always be believed when heard.
Number Elevin, don't argue or pick a fight
That is never right,
When you are mad and your temperature is rising
Go for a peaceful compromising.
Number Twelve, just get organized
Look about yourself and your home and be normalized,
Straighten up and get rid of the clutter and be changed
Let you and your home be properly arranged.
Number Thirteen, unto the unkind be kind
Unto meanest and hatefulness don't let your soul bind,
Though someone might be nasty, uncaring, and full of shame
You truly don't know from where their feelings came.
Number Fourteen, be thoughtful and feel fine
Let someone cut in front of you in line,
That small piece of kindness goes a far way
And another stranger will repay you one day.
Number Fifteen, take your time and be all alone
Go out and establish your own zone,
Truly understand who you really are
Then think and remember every cut and scar.
Number Sixteen, cultivate good manners and conduct
And never ever deconstruct
Show your upbringing and your brightness
By always showing your politeness.
Number Seventeen, try to be humble
Over your pride and importance and status just stumble,
Sometimes it is good to be gentle and meek
Those are the people that Angels do seek.
Number Eighteen, realize that life isn't always fair
Many times you never get your fair share,
Sometimes you are the ball and not the bat
You must always be prepared for that.
Number Nineteen, know when to keep your mouth shut
Don't answer with sarcasm or a "but",
Many times words of wisdom philosophers will bring
But, many time just don't say a thing.
Number Twenty, go from daylight unto dawn
Withought criticizing or mockinganyone,
Take this piece of advice as it is knowingly sent
Go one full day without any judgement.
Number twenty one, learn from your own past
Remember then, and always reflect when asked,
Remember what you can't and can
Then unto your future you can build and plan.
Number twenty two, remember life is a present
It is to live and to enjoy and not to prevent,
Sometimes it comes with worries and it is swift
But, remember life indeed is the greatest gift.
Number twenty three,don't sweat the small stuff
No need to worry or rebuff,
Just know that when problems do call
The stuff is always small.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life,living
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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