Davids Sling 519 Poem by DAVID GERARDINO

Davids Sling 519

Rating: 4.2

Iv got some silver bullets, and a
wooden cross, and a copy of the
bible, with all the wisdom and love,
Iv got rosery beads, hanging from
my hand, and some holy water,
with a book of prayers, IV got
incence burning, and a shrine in
the back, and a picture of jesus,
with his hands in the air, got
some christen music, with a
four, four beat, gonna play it
hard, yea, just wait and see.
I got a map of heaven, and a
key to the stars, a visa in my
pocket, so i dont get lost,
yea, im all ready for the big
event, gonna walk on water
and fly thruogh the air.

Allan James Saywell 06 July 2005

david it has potential with a little work it would suit the church scene perhaps you could play it to some people who listen to that kind of music and ask them for there response i think you need to add a few more lines and maybe a chorus as a poem just a spellcheck and it is fine as it is Warm regards allan i have been away in a little place called ballina

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David Gerardino 04 July 2005

ok, thats thats, this is the third time working with this poem/song if any one cares, theres chords that can go with it.........

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