Beyond The Surface: A Spoken Word Ode To Beauty Poem by Captain Harbeebiy

Beyond The Surface: A Spoken Word Ode To Beauty

I rise and shine, is it a crime?
Is it so wrong to show my prime?
To let my beauty take center stage,
And not be trapped in society's cage?

I speak out for those who are unheard,
But sometimes, my own voice becomes blurred.
I'm haunted by doubts and fears,
But I refuse to let them drown out my cheers.

My glamour shines like stars above,
But sometimes, it feels like not enough.
Million shafts may come my way,
But I won't let them dim my ray.

I ask myself, should I blame the maker?
For giving me this beauty that could be my breaker?
But I know deep down, it's not the case,
It's society's standards that I need to erase.

The world has a way of boxing us in,
Telling us how to look, how to dress, how to grin.
But why should we follow their every decree,
When we're so much more than what they want us to be?

We're all unique, with our own special flair,
And it's time we embrace it, without a care.
For beauty comes in many different forms,
And it's up to us to break down the norms.

So let your beauty shine, in all its glory,
And don't let anyone dim your story.
For you are who you are, and that's okay,
You don't need to change to fit into their play.

Embrace your quirks, your curves, your scars,
And let your light shine like the brightest stars.
For you are beautiful, just as you are,
And nothing can take away from that shining star.

So let's rise and shine, without a crime,
And let our beauty thrive, without a dime.
For we are who we are, flaws and all,
And we won't let the world's standards make us fall.

We'll keep rising higher, each step of the way,
And let our light shine brighter, each and every day.

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