Artificial Countries Poem by Chan Mongol

Artificial Countries


They forgot to do necessary revolution;

Those are the American generation!

They forgot the Civil War and its lesson.

Their history of bigotry, discrimination;

White against white men civil war was done.

They did evil works against the humanity

Then, realized that they crafted only insanity!

For sometimes, they turned as good people;

But World War 2 made them more horrible!

By bombing Hiroshima and the Nagasaki;

Secured own position with Europe and Turkey.

They took war outside their own boundary;

Military operations were done by them cleverly!

They kept citizens busy in psychologically;

Blackmagic, hypnotism worked accurately.

Chubby kids liked heroes In the military;

They attacked one after another weaker country!

Did they win in Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Lebanon, Panama?

Did they win in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Asia, Africa?

Their choices been to rob others to feed own;

Securing homeland with people of black, brown.

They made all crafted, artificial countries;

They survive by killings, steals, robberies!

BY Chan Mongol
January 7 of 2023

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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