Analissa Paarma - An Eulogy For My Best Friend In Finland Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Analissa Paarma - An Eulogy For My Best Friend In Finland

Goodbye Analissa our most beloved friend
somewhere in heaven we hope we will meet again.

You were so wonderful in your elegance,
we always called you 'Monalisa'
and it made you feel so much happier;

you were so affectionate to us
though you were just a friend
yet your care and attention was incredible:

if we asked you for a chocolate bar
you would let us have as many as ten;
if we asked you for a train ticket anytime
you would never decline nor refrain;

you let us visit Mantyharju in summer
and stay in your log cottage for weeks;
we explored the countryside and the archipelagos
which were so lively and amusing.

O' those visits to you are still so memorable
we always cherish those barbecue parties
with Hannu-Irma, Jatta-Pekka, Marrko-Pirkko,
Ostii, Pirjo, Lasse and you;

we enjoyed those evenings with salmon and wine
which was so natural and delightful outdoors;

and everytime we came to Finland to see Jatta,
you always invited us and treated us so lovingly;

you were what a true friend should be
never angry and always so polite and concerned;

that now as we sit alone and think of you
all we can do is sit and cry;

but as we remember you
and your charming attitude,

we pray that may heaven open its doors
and let you walk in

for a wonderful friend like you deserves
everything that is beautiful and best

that even in the next life, if there is one,
we will always want your friendship;

and as now tears may subside with time
your memories of love and affection will always
remain deeply embedded in our hearts.

Analissa Paarma - An Eulogy For My Best Friend In Finland
With deepest heartfelt sympathies to Jatta, Pirjo, Lasse, Markko, Kaleivi and Erno.
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