Accounting Time Poem by John Yaws

Accounting Time

As the shadows of my time grow long-
And silver now is on my head-
I realize I'm growing old…
And someday soon they'll find me dead.
Don't mourn for me, my life was full-
I face the Reaper, calm, serene-
I've done all that I chose to do-
And everything worth seeing… seen.
I've had some friends, but they are gone-
I've known true love, soon that will pass
And years which I once thought were slow-
I find, now, that they flee so fast.
My health and strength, which were my pride-
Are gone, I know not where they went-
But years that I was on the road-
On looking back, I find, Well spent'.
So, hurry, won't you hurry, please.
I fear too long this earth I've trod-
I long for peace and sweet release-
It's time to give account to God.

Accounting Time
John Yaws

John Yaws

Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
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