A Sonnet Which Combines An Opera With A Rondo In A Real Life Scenario Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

A Sonnet Which Combines An Opera With A Rondo In A Real Life Scenario

A sonnet which combines an opera with a rondo in a real life scenario
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
My liberal mind is a mirror to my soul
For it speaks of liberty, equality and peaceful justice
As does the Canadian constitution
For with democracy come the "songs of freedom"
But a free soul is bound to the laws of society to a considerable extent
And I say that if the tiger lily represents the opera of my feminist walk
As a working engineer and wife and mother for with the high pitch of music
Comes the analogy to the furious pace at which I worked and achieved
The narcissus connotes the fact that I began to revel in my womanhood
But I say that it is a rondo, musically speaking, for I do, in my writing and artwork
Represent the feminine feminist side of my personality
And my engineering and scientific work bring out the essence of being a liberated engineer
For my thoughts are completely revolutionary and explore a side of engineering not done before
I say to my soul, look at your mind and heart and face and body for therein lies the answer to the question, Who am I?

A Sonnet Which Combines An Opera With A Rondo In A Real Life Scenario
Friday, March 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: mind,soul
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