A Predator Cat And Some Little Birds Poem by Chan Mongol

A Predator Cat And Some Little Birds

A predator cat and some little birds
August 27,2018

I never saw birds protesting against an unfriendly predator!
They were in the tree, few feet away from my backyard door! !

I never heard such voices of birds within my own perimeter!
And I got up curiously to see what is happening over there! !

The alleyway animal was crawling in my footpath then he sat!
Almost fifty birds were screaming to scare the predator cat! !

My heart was melting with pity for weaker birds in the tree!
I walked down to chase the cat away for birds to feel safety! !

Oh my god! It was a miracle that birds stopped own voices!
Stopped their war and protests by making deadly noises! !

It's calm and quite as birds are already gone, flew away!
But I recorded this fact to remember such an exemplary day! !

What surprised me was that the cat was proud, not nervous!
But about fifty birds screamed and asked, "help us! Help us! "

I guess, little guys loved me as their good, harmless neighbor!
Hopefully, they will not leave my tree in fear of the predator! !

Monday, August 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: strength,unity
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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