A Lover Poem by paul mumbuna

A Lover

As a devotee of love, I'm deeply ensnared,
A romantic enthusiast, fervently declared.
I'm patient and poetic, crafting love's tale,
Whipping up meals for you, without fail.

Stoic, yet tender, in every mood I abide,
Open in communication, hearts open wide.
My prayers ascend for a love like ours to find,
Infusing scripture with love, intricately entwined.

Together we journey, spreading Jesus's word,
In the pulpit, as lovers, our voices heard.
Guided by His teachings, our bond only grows,
A preacher, a lover, in each other we compose.

Protective and tender, your safety my decree,
Walking beside you, wherever you may be.
I cherish your words, listening with care,
Ensuring you feel heard, knowing I'm always there.

Jealous at times, yet playful and sincere,
I'll whisk you back to bed, dispelling any fear.
From morning's first light to the day's weary end,
I'm by your side, confidant, and friend.

I'll share in your laughter, your tears, and your fears,
Crazy in love, through the passing years.
A million texts on the busiest days,
Just to remind you, in countless ways.

I'll treasure your secrets, fight for your dreams,
A romantic, unyielding, in love's endless streams.
A helpless romantic, forever I'll be,
A deep-loving kind of lover, eternally free.

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