A Hint At What Is Beautiful? By Yoonoos Peerbocus: Hindi Translation: Poem by Rajnish Manga

A Hint At What Is Beautiful? By Yoonoos Peerbocus: Hindi Translation:

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A Hint At What Is Beautiful? by yoonoos peerbocus
Translated Into Hindi by Rajnish Manga
खुबसूरत क्या है? इस बारे में
मूल रचना यूनुस पीरबकस
हिंदी अनुवाद रजनीश मंगा द्वारा

‘धन्यवाद' बेहद खूबसूरत लफ्ज़ है
कृतज्ञता में लिपटा हुआ,
अमनपसंद लोगों को भेंट करने योग्य
कहने वाले भेंट करते हैं मूलतः स्वयं को- वो
प्रेम और विनम्रता से सेवा करते उन पीड़ित-जन की
नापाम बमों से साँसें जिनकी उखड़ रही हैं
हमारी इस बीमारू दुनिया में

मानवता का नक़ाब ओढ़ कर बैठी हैं
मनहूस महत्वाकांक्षाएं. खूबसूरत होता है वह क्षण
जब सूर्य की रोशनी ढलने लगती है
और इसके साथ ही मन का दर्पण
भीतर की ओर मुड़ता है, दृष्टि अंतर्दृष्टि बन जाती है,
और जब हृदय लालसाओं से मुक्ति पाकर
चैतन्य भाव को अपने अंदर आने देता है.

This is a translation of the poem A Hint At What Is Beautiful? by yoonoos peerbocus
Friday, May 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: beautiful,humanity,love,mirror,poem,real life,thank you
A Hint At What Is Beautiful?
by yoonoos peerbocus

Beautiful is the 'thank you'
Wrapped with gratitude,
Offered to peace prone people
Who offer what is real-themselves
To nurse with love and humility
napalm asphyxiated victims
in our stained world

veiling ambition with face of
humanity.Beautiful is the moment
when sunlit world fades away
And with it mind made mirror
While look inward drawn, sight insight led,
and heart shuts out desire to let in
Dr Antony Theodore 25 June 2019

Very fine poem dear Rajnish Manga. thank u for keeping here the translation. i could not read the other language. thanku very much. tony

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Rajnish Manga 25 June 2019

Your visit and support means a lot to me- reassuring and inspiring.

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Bri Edwards 01 October 2018

i did not (could not) read your translation. but i read the English version; thanks for including it here. i like the Yoonoos's first stanza but not the 2nd, which i did not understand! i assume napalm asphyxiated is some symbolic reference to horrors of war and other human tragedies. bri ;)

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Rajnish Manga 02 October 2018

Yes, this might be due to the poet's penchant for brevity. His comments are often short but loaded. I have also taken the same indication here. Thanks a lot, Bri.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 15 May 2018

very beautifully and succinctly put across I thank R AND R for bringing me here to enjoy your urdu poetry translated lovely words all must endear and ur JAWAD J'IS lovely comments AND JAZIB KAMALVI AND KUMARMANI MAHAKUL ADD Rini Shibu all my new found fiends on PH AND NOW RAJNISH YOU

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Rajnish Manga 15 May 2018

It is a great feeling to be accepted as a friend- online or otherwise. Together we can create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding in this world which is otherwise plagued by all kinds of evil. Thanks a lot, Dear Poet Poet.

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Rajnish Manga 11 May 2018

My sincere thanks to Yoonoos Sahab for his kind permission to translate this poem into Hindi.

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Rajnish Manga

Rajnish Manga

Meerut / Now at Faridabad
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