A Friend Who Is Not Noticed Ever Poem by Tanveer Alam

A Friend Who Is Not Noticed Ever

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I met a person when i was alone
he came closer to me and whispered something
i was surprised but happy too
that he knew all about me which could no-one

We daily had a chat together
sometimes in dream, sometimes on paper
whatever i do, he just does the same
i was just surprised about how could he be such clever! ! ! !

Once he again came into my dream
and promised me to meet, provided
i need to recognise him, and to which
we could say our friendhip's theme..

That day had come
and in my mind was only he and none
the time was hardly to pass
as in my life left no enjoy & fun.

Being restless i saw everywhere around me
but nobody i found
suddenly i looked at the mirror 4 a while
and realized the movements repeating as mine
i remained shocked when saw a shadow beside me
saying... see i have fulfilled my promise, and will remain
with you till the time you are on the earth....
as you are a life for me and hence i for you....
you are my visibilty, and i am your silent friend
peolple call you 'Tanveer', and to me 'Your Shadow'.

Nisha- Butterflydreams 12 August 2011

This is a brilliant poem Tanveer... we all only us for ourselves.. no one in the world can replace our shadows the friend we have within us, to oneself.... :)

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peolple call you 'Tanveer', and to me 'Your Shadow'... sometimes miracles do take place.... happy to read.. nice composition....10

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