A Beggar's Bravado Poem by Louemile Rosch Mangulabnan

A Beggar's Bravado

Rating: 5.0

K-indness, our ammunition to bear
E-very bullet of compassion, we forsake to spare
E-ntangled by the roots of old and maiden's hair
P-ortrayed without the sense of despair

B-oldness to betray our courage
E-nvisioned through the eyes of the sage
L-et them speak, be vigilant without a hint of rage
I- will stand beyond humanity's degree
E-ven the world has fallen into catastrophe
V-erge of Existence, devoured by the devil's domain
I-ntoxicated by the heart of the machine, automaton remains
N-ever to witness, never to comprehend what's left inside
G-limpse for serenity with a whisper of pride

T-o the lost catacomb, we march puzzled
H-oly secrecy, on our plate to gamble
E-astern winds soared through the land of the fable

I-nstruments of hearth, have you taken your slumber?
M-other of Tranquility, I await for your harbinger
P-rotector of Clarity, how you neglect to remember
O-bserver of Honesty, with the fangs of the viper
S-on of Helios, the shadow has crept into our shelter
S-hould I make my flight? Hear me!
I-will not falter into ferocity
B-rother, make a stand without the voice of conformity
L-ast remnants of the past, their last lie told
E-ye upon the soul it shall unfold

Dr Antony Theodore 02 June 2019

E-ven the world has fallen into catastrophe V-erge of Existence, devoured by the devil's domain I-ntoxicated by the heart of the machine, automaton remains N-ever to witness, never to comprehend what's left inside G-limpse for serenity with a whisper of pride....... reminiscent of T.S Eliot's poems........ lovely poem. expression of your own philosophy. tony

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