Neo Patricia Monamodi

Neo Patricia Monamodi Poems

Wanting to trust him with her heart
but she is scared if her heart is safe in his care;
Wondering if he will not crush and abuse it
She is scared he will leave and pretend she’s not there

the truth is i love you
the truth is i always dream of you at night
the truth is i do my best to hide it from you
the truth is the future is blank without you

Anxiety holds me prisoner.
Talk about it but get no satisfaction
Mind bogging contemplation
Excruciating pain at the thought


I am lust
I devour your joy and take away your trust
I make her look so attractive to you
I use your small brain and take your sensitivity

I want to love you fiercely
With the kind of love that shuts up the outer world
One that keeps you down in my heart here
The love that leaves you secure and liberated

The beauty of one is learnt from within their hearts
The greatness of the heart reflects on the smile

I hate how he manages to get me back to myself without words
The way he just has the right things to say when I’m upset
How I miss him every moment he gets out of sight
How I get lost in thought wondering what this thing is I have with him

Sins of love in this road traveled when people confuse lust for love
Lust for love just so they can get one moment of pleasure
A moment of gratification that he calls love making just to make you feel exceptional while your true self he is taking.
Perhaps to get you again the following morning just before he leaves

Someone told me I’m heading towards depression and I laughed
She said I’m crazy and I should see a doctor
She said let me be your advisor, and save you from this disaster
Again, though I would have loved to believe her I looked at herand her

You are the beauty of how God describes love
You take me with you when we’re apart
And let me float away when we are together
You take me into the place I’ve never been

Today as I lay
Thinking this is my last day
As my family watches my body decay
I have no regrets, no pain

Death is easy
Anything you touch can kill
Death is the end
End of my troubles

you are stupid my darling
Is my love not obvious?
Do you not feel my pain;
This pain of loving you?

He says, “I’ll turn your tears to diamonds
And change your mourning to music
Your broken spirit to pearls
And your tattered heart to a castle of my rest

In case it exists, I wouldn't care about your money and wealth
I'd care if you can afford the cost of love
If you can pay attention to little things
If you can afford being a father

Shall this not be true love I shall die
I fall not often but once too deep
My heart grazes carefully for something pure
Words are cheap but man’s acts speak for him

I swore to never ask
So I carry on with my daily tasks like nothing happened
Scroll names and pretend it’s you I phoned
Then from nowhere it hits me again

The lovely love of his life;
He longs for her to have been his wife.
She comes to him in twisted thoughts and visions.
And controls him from his transparent dreams.

He says, “I’ll turn your tears to diamonds
And change your mourning to music
Your broken spirit to pearls
And your tattered heart to a castle of my rest

The Best Poem Of Neo Patricia Monamodi

Scared To Love You

Wanting to trust him with her heart
but she is scared if her heart is safe in his care;
Wondering if he will not crush and abuse it
She is scared he will leave and pretend she’s not there
Terrified his prideful heart will run and never hear.

Thousands of years of trusting non
taking chances with her heart is terrifying
letting him see her for who she is
no rhythm, nor rhyme, nor that strong heart
Yet she would have love to love him.

Getting away sometimes appear easier to do
keeping her inner self detached;
she keeps up with the daily things life demands
scared to let him know how she really feels
Petrified of his perception of love.

She has no fear of his love thus she fears hurt
She flees from possibility of him leaving which will be pain
she detests immorality but he thinks she is mean
in her fear of God she adores him in her way but he sees it not
Sometimes loves is foolish sometimes it is just a game.

Perhaps inside her heart love is just a dream
maybe she can not reach that unfeasible sentiment;
and she reckons with passing of years that life happens
People view love differently, and so truest of feelings go to waste
though she loves, she learns painfully to accept things as they are.

Yes the way they are when people worry less about words
thus these, “i love you” words are to her not the problem
for she only says them when she truly means them
Her words might mean love but what about his words..
How differently does he view this affection himself?

Questions go on and on and on and on...
Yet some she may not get answered for people view love differently
Loving him she would if he let her, yet she’s scared if he would do the same
So she goes on with her foolish fear of God and mean character
Hoping in her heart that he will somehow know
Wishing his too is love and he will try soften up his stubborn heart

She is not scared to love him and for him to love her
She’s not scared of the possibility of him jumping on her
She is scared of the way people leave all the time
She’s scared of how people view love differently
She is scared, petrified, terrified of again mending a broken heart

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