Neil Graham Marsden Poems

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A Certain Silence

When our empty world spins silently
black rains will wash the sky
and the sun will shine ferociously
upon seas that have boiled dry.

A Kiss Too Late

Regretably the moment passed,
For one last kiss, the chance expired.
Invisibly your time amassed,
To go beyond all things desired.

Desperate Times

I hope when your ego is scraping the ceiling
and your mirrors grow tired of that smile,
you will choke on the guilt trip denying you feeling
and drown in seductive style.


I went back to our avenue of autumn gold today
to see if you would always be there as you'd said.
Yet found that even there, our most treasured of places,
was quiet, still and empty of one other living soul.

Missing Children

If each star in the heavens went out in the night
Would that show how I suffer here out of your sight.
As the warmth of the morning unlocks the new day
Will you know I walk with you, each step of the way.

Death Of The Matriarch

Such mixed emotions flood my head
this day that one last curtain fell,
at last the matriarch is dead
now gone to burn where demons dwell.

A Consequence Of Grief

So altered from that sombre day when first I stood in stunted grief
surrounded by the crying, ever needy throng.
a huddle of blackened, shuffling living corpses
fighting to out-grieve the next, I had become invisible it seemed.


It's bluest cold and darkest grey
And you will never pass this way..


Dear Father

I thought I would much like to crown you
with words that just need to be said


What of this beast of shallow mind
that preys upon the meek and kind,
whose marble heart beats cold and still
whilst searching out the meek of will.

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