Kristy Holland

Kristy Holland Poems

In shadows cast by shattered
dreams, She weaves a tale of
love, it seems. A heart once
whole, now torn apart, By a love

In the shadows deep, where sorrow
weaves, A tapestry of heartbreak
grieves. Cutting whispers, sharp
and cold, In the darkness, stories

In shadows deep, a heart
undone, Echoes of sorrow, a
battle not won. Tears fall like
rain, a torrential stream, Lost in

In the shadows of shattered
nights, A love emerges from
relentless fights. From the
wreckage of a broken past, A

In shadows deep, a girl alone,
Her heart in fragments, aching
stone. Emptiness echoes, a
hollow cry, Lost in the darkness,

In shadows of sorrow, two hearts_entwined, Teenage, echoes, _emotions malinged. Loneliness_whispered, a silent decree, Love_bloomed amidst a storm at sea.__Depressed reflections, a mirror_so cold, two souls embraced, a_story unfolds. Worry and anxiety, _silent fears grow, In toxic love, _they dance to and fro.__Empathy's veil, a fragile_disguise, Remorse for the pain, _reflected in eyes. Loss haunts_their steps, a relentless ghost, _Self-inflicted wounds, a love_engrossed.__Hurt and misery, woven in strife, _Despair echoes in the tapestry of_life. Isolation grip, a solitary_plea, A choice to make, between_love and the sea.__In the tempest of emotions, they _stand, decisions weigh heavy, _like shifting sand. Will they heal_the wounds they've sown, Or let_the tide of darkness drown their own? _

In twilight's tender whisper,
desire takes flight, A young
couple dancing on the edge of
night. Love's embrace, a warmth

The Best Poem Of Kristy Holland

'The Resonance Of Shadows'

In shadows cast by shattered
dreams, She weaves a tale of
love, it seems. A heart once
whole, now torn apart, By a love
that faded, a work of art.

She tried to mend the pieces, oh
so true, But he embraced a love
that was brand new. Brushed off
like dust, her efforts in vain, Lost
in the echoes of love's bitter

With every tear, her spirit wanes,
In the depths of sorrow, she
remains. A broken soul, worn
and frayed, As hope slips
through fingers, betrayed.

But in the gloom, a flicker
ignites, A mysterious figure,
changing her nights. He
whispers solace, a beacon of
light, Guiding her through the
endless night.

Through the darkness, a rebirth
unfolds, A story rewritten, a saga
retold. From the ruins of despair,
she rises, Transformed by the
enigma love comprises.

No longer shackled by the chains
of yore, She dances freely, her
heart restored. In the arms of
mystery, a new love found, A
symphony of healing, a sweet,
melodious sound.

Kristy Holland Comments

Kristy Holland Quotes

'Embrace the winds of change in your life, for they carry the seeds of growth and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.'

'Strength is found in the determination to build yourself up. In that journey, you'll discover the power to make life-changing strides.'

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