Kim Schilling

Kim Schilling Poems

They delivered me out of profound darkness
With the kissing promise of saving light
The key, they said, was in their mighty hands
Looking up with poignant eyes, I followed.

Say not a word,
For silence is golden;
Heeding the warnings,
Of abusers from past,

So many little ones sit in wonderment
Sitting and waiting far, far away -
Your friends go before you
Waving with happy, hopeful faces.

Wandering the fissures of my mind
He observes what other have missed
Pain, sadness, hurt and loneliness
Sharing it in part with his own tender heart

She walks with an air of confidence,
Drawing stares of awe from many;
What’s behind the smile she wears?
Must be contentment of past and present.

Our love set aside
Lets go your bitter pain
Pitiful little bird caged
Its youthful feathers clipped

So quietly he sat in his dark cardboard house,
that very few knew of this modest dormouse.
Yet his presence was felt by all who knew him,
and loyally we'd fill his little bowl to the rim.

I have felt Death calling my name -
From the damp warmth of ceasing
To the cold resolve of reaching finality.
My crumpled body rest at His holy feet.

Sly Stallion of mankind
Zippered up and gathered
Relief behind a thirst quenched tree
Slowly marches back

Ill-timed leaves crumble beneath my feet
The warm breeze tickling my bare back
I feel you there enveloping my vacant core
Lost am I since your untimely passing

There once was a pup named Bonnie,
Spotted black and white and on’ry.
One look and I knew that she was home;
A piddler she was; the town she did roam.


Kiss him tenderly
His dry lips cool against mine
He has left this world.

into the
core of writers

Internal rage its damage mounting
As tears moved farther from my reach
My soul inflamed by unrelenting hurt
Memories secreted in the caverns of my mind

Down the road to nowhere –
You found me walking there,
Battling my demons and darkness;
A promise of love you offered,

Beneath the earth where violet lilies grow -
Macabre hands fold across a gaunt chest.
Golden ring lies limply on a skeletal digit.
Pristine black suit now tattered from years,

A shove so great to break you -
Falling, flailing into nonbeing;
No longer knowing your greatness.
A gentle man beaten by insanity,

If one gift I had to give
Deadening silence drowning you
Replaced by cries heard loud and far
Bring fierce guardians to your side

Look me in the Eyes -
For I am a blank slate,
Waiting for your words;
Speak to my tender soul,

In the sand
Building castles

The Best Poem Of Kim Schilling

He Said, She Said

They delivered me out of profound darkness
With the kissing promise of saving light
The key, they said, was in their mighty hands
Looking up with poignant eyes, I followed.

Put a smile on your face, she said. So I did.
And the burning anguish melted into my soul.
Don’t you dare cry, he said. So I didn’t.
And my tears forever dried up into toxic ashes.

Be good or Dad won’t come home, she said. So I was.
And my heart raced to hear that door open every night.
You don’t know what love it, he said. So I doubted.
And the little I held onto floated away into the clouds.

Go to church and pray and you’ll be fine, she said. So I did.
And resentment built as my God betrayed me time and again.
If you’re unhappy here we’ll send you away, he said. So I lied.
And old recollections of isolation and neglect filled my heart.

No one likes to be around a sad person, she said. So I joked.
And the fool, cloaked in silliness, kept the monsters at bay
Be grateful for what you have, he said. So I tried.
And all the things in the world could not simply hug me.

There are people worse off than you, she said. So I imagined.
And guilt burned like acid through the core of my being.
Straighten up and fly right, he said. So I worked harder.
And hiding behind the scholar was a desperate little girl.

You have nothing to feel bad about, she said. So I stopped feeling.
And the little ones reached out to take my pain for safe keeping.
Anger is not acceptable in this house, he said. So I laughed.
And I ran the razor across my skin to secretly unleash the emerging rage.

You don’t know how good you have it, she said. So I wondered.
And I watched others pass by and wished to share their pain.
I’ll give you something to cry about, he said. So I grit my teeth.
And I so wished he could hear my cries and know what I knew.

I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life, she said. So I cringed.
And I dreamed I was dying a slow torturous death at the hands of loved ones.
Don’t dare talk about family matters to strangers, he said. So I shut up.
And I became numb to myself and the world around me after all.

There's nothing more that can be done for you, they said. So I believed them.

Kim Schilling Comments

Paul Butters 20 August 2008

Kim is really strong on writing about people and human issues. Her poems are easy to read yet full of meaning, often spiritual. You get the impression she has had a tough time in life, which she turns to best advantage when writing her excellent poems.

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C J 19 August 2008

That's a real craft work dear Kim i was take a close look to your poems, Your poems have life and i guess also some encrypted stories, I do like your style creativity.

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Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar 16 August 2008

Thank you for your comments and the suggesion joining Voicesnet. Shanmugam

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Katherine Ng Li Hoon 15 August 2008

A very well written and excellent protryl poem.I am impress.I will also consider your suggestion to join the poem club that you told me about.Thanks alot!

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