Kerrie Smith Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Revenge Is Sweet!

Revenge is sweet, it doesn't mean hate.
I'm past that now, my life is great.
I'll remember you and what you did,
The lies and secrets you couldn't keep hid.

Mended Heart

Twenty eight years
Yet no fears.
Lost in love.
On the peirs.

Life's Test

Life's a test and now it's testing me.
To see how strong I want to be.
It picks me up but then knocks me down.
It's hard sometimes but I try not to thrown.

Walk Away Daddy

Ten tiny fingers and Ten tiny toes.
Cute little lips and a button nose.
Wide little eyes as I try to see,
All the people who believe in me.

My Special Boy

Woke with a smile, from my special boy.
He melts my heart, he fills it with joy.
His smile is contagious, his cute little eyes.
Running around and he rarely cries.

My Heart Deserves Someone Who Loves Me

I create my own life, try to stay in control.
Beautiful kids but my heart has a hole
A need to be cuddled and loved a bit more.
I know who i want, the rejection is sore.

Broken Families

I was your sister right from the start.
Maybe not blood but always in heart.
Someone special, you are too me.
I'm sorry but I needed to be free.

Life As A Mum

Funny to think, how things can go.
I look at my life and what I have to show.
Beautiful girls and a handsome young man.
Weird how that was never the plan.

Mum Of Six

When I was young I did not know,
What I should do or where to go.
Did what I thought a woman should do,
And my little bumps grew and grew.


Almost twenty-eight, my life passing by.
When I say I am happy, that is not a lie.
I'm proud of my kids and what they have become.
I'm proud of my job as a great mum.

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