Karpop Riba

Karpop Riba Poems

Oh where, oh where have my socks gone?
I swear I left them here, and now they're gone!
I've checked the drawers, I've checked the shoes -
I've checked the laundry and even the blues! !

Oh, Mother! ! the wonder of my life,
A beacon of love who vanquishes strife:
A guardian angel whose presence I feel,
A sanctuary of safety, a balm to heal.

In the east geographically,
Lies the land of the rising sun,
Where mountains gouge the sky,
And with grace the rivers meander.

Oh! COVID, you cheeky little germ,
A sneaky foe, we never saw you squirm.
You slinked into our lives, what a ruckus,
An unwanted guest, what a hubbub! !

Sacrifice.. oh! what a word.
A concept that may seem unheard.
Yet, we make them every day;
Fighting for what we want to say.

It's raining cats and dogs outside
And I'm feeling like a soggy fry
But then I had a brilliant thought
That might just make my day a lot less fraught

In the dead of night, as I lay in bed,
An eerie buzzing filled my head,
A mosquito, a demon, aiming to shed
My blood and sanity with a hunger that led.

In the labyrinth of despair, where the illumination fails to penetrate,
I stand solitary, grappling with winds of adversity that agitate.
These tenebrous instants, they toss me asunder and assault,
As I am but a flimsy feather, caught up in capricious thunderbolts.

I've seen others receive a hundred roses,
Their excitement dancing in their eyes.
But for me, the gesture seemed elusive,
Something that never seemed to materialize.

The pen hits paper with a clean-cut sound,
And ink spills out, the words unbound,
A poem taking shape before your eyes,
Its form like magic in disguise.

In the fleeting days of our youthful prime,
Where love and warmth are our constant rhyme,
A cherished home, a haven of peace,
Where we bask in parents' love, and life's sweet lease.

The prickle of separation...a blow-by-blow,
Devastating emotions, adrenaline counterflow
The remnants of love with grief, reaching an overflow.

Oh! Shimmering sea of unspoken words,
Thou whisperer of secrets untold,
A fairy tale woven by the birds,
More enchanting than stories of old.

O, Love, thou art a mercurial thing
A force upon which many cling
Thy promise of eternal bliss...
Can oftentimes spark much abyss.

Lost in the chaos of my mind,
I wander in search of peace to find.
Surrounded by fear and doubt,
I struggle to find my way out.

In the depths of your eyes.. I see a vast plain-
A flat world devoid of any romantic grain
Each reflection a reflection of reality,
Where we're stuck in a loveless mundanity.

In a world consumed by greed and hate,
Where kindness is seen as a sign of weakness,
It's hard for those with a good heart to relate,
To a society that rewards ruthless uniqueness.

The Trashy Romance

Every morning I hear his approaching sound..
And my heart sinks as I dread what's around

Through the fickle winds of time,

I searched for something more,

All things in life are fleeting, with nothing set in stone,
For everything that starts must inevitably come to its own.
The sky above, once blue and gay,
May now be shrouded in clouds, all sullen and grey.

Karpop Riba Biography


The Best Poem Of Karpop Riba

My Missing Socks

Oh where, oh where have my socks gone?
I swear I left them here, and now they're gone!
I've checked the drawers, I've checked the shoes -
I've checked the laundry and even the blues! !

They disappear in a whisper of air
Leaving me with only despair
I can't find them, oh where could they be?
Did my socks decide to take a little leave?

Maybe they're off on a grand adventure-
Exploring the world, causing some laughter,
Perhaps they're living it up in Spain-
Sipping on mojitos, playing charades in the rain...

Or maybe they've joined a secret society-
Of rogue socks, causing quite the notoriety.
Plotting their takeover, one foot at a time,
Leaving us barefoot, helpless, and whine.

But wherever they are, I hope they're happy
Living the life that's a little bit sappy
Just remember, my dear socks, to come back to me For I miss you so much and can't wait to see!

Karpop Riba Comments

Karpop Riba Quotes

Something I learned about people, if they do it once they will do it again.

Avoiding certain people to protect your emotional health is not weakness, it's wisdom.

Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it will work out or it won't. That's Life.

Be a good person but don't waste your time proving it.

'Living sustainably is not just a choice; it's a commitment to being a caretaker of our planet. Every action we take, no matter how small, has the power to create a ripple effect that can change the course of our future. Embrace the responsibility, embrace the change, and together, let's create a world that thrives on sustainability.'

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