Fighting its way with compassion… determined to win the heart…
The contender…

Dreams of it
Illusions of
The taste
The touch

There are blueprints for relationships
The one you choose to build and live in will
Need a layout that can house those with similar ideas
A Friendly partnership should be the bases of your composition.

Deep in thought how deep can thoughts go
Self preservation
Family situations
Love relations

It's my therapy
If I don't write
Things won't be quite right
I am at peace when I let my words flow

Sexy no need to try it comes naturally… so classy
Outstanding goes up and beyond the call of duty w/o resentment
Understanding to the situations of others
Loving everything about you…never judging

Brain Dead

Beyond the flat line
I am awake

I'd rather go blind than
To see you stand there looking
As if I was mental
For not wanting you to exit my heart


How can someone so beautiful be so intelligent?
Words cannot describe the matter of substance that fills my curiosity.

Thoughts of your name
A vibe of joy ran thru my form
Remember the touch you posses
Literally makes me want to undress

Back and forth
A vision here
A thought there
Replaying the scenes

The silhouette of a goddess
Able to expose without exposing
The anatomy of the female structure…
Can take a perception and reconstruct you..

Childhood crush became long term love.
Loving from him was effervescent.
Kissing him was immaculate.
Touching one another was supernatural.


(Inspired by: Kill Bill)

Bowing Down Gracefully-

Growth was the pattern in which I learned many aspects of life

Alone in a lost world.

Scars slow in healing.

Ugliness fills the mind

Turns dark and empty

(Inspired by: The Silence of the Lambs)

Having random thoughts…

Sun shines with glowing rays of priceless gold.
Holding a tangible spirit of warmth and vibrancy.
Like kids on a playgrounds
Birds fly free singing songs of joy and contentment

I know I am tough one
But if done right I can be that one.
Laying in night alone has become habitual and


She has so much love to give. When thinking of love her heart rejoices. She has a thing of loving those who are heartbroken. She doesn't like to see anyone hurting. Whatever she can to do to make it better she will do. Many take her affection of love for granted. She won't let anyone get to close, your secrets are locked in her heart forever never will she betray you that is not what she is about because of all the secrets she posses within her heart she can trust no one to get that deep in her heart. Men desire a woman like her they want to go deeper to find out what she is about she's flattered but she knows she is not able to suffice them she can be your homie, best friend, lover, sister, mother, a daughter she can be your brother from another mother, a confidant.. She doesn't want to see you hurt. She will absorb all your pains. she's not perfect she's not an angel sent from heaven she's not trying to be anything to anyone, she is doing what she knows best, that is loving. She puts herself in your shoes and relates to every problem. The love she gives she does not expect to come back but if it does there is a place in her heart so deep she will not let you go.. she will leaves footprints in your life, so very hard to forget. A mother of 3 sons I have been writing poetry since High School. I took a break to raise my family. Picked up my pen and began again 6 years ago. Now there is no stopping my desire to flow in the moment and express my soul. Poetry gives me the strength and perception that allows me to express myself in ways I verbally could not do before. It has built my vocabulary and understanding of words, phrases and concepts. Poetry runs in my veins. I believe Poetry comes from the heart and anyone who feels the need to release whatever is aching to be revealed should pick a pen and pad and write it out. It way cheaper than therapy and you remain free from the prison bars. Once it has been let out of your system the better life can be.)


The Boxing Match

Fighting its way with compassion… determined to win the heart…
The contender…

Entering the ring going the distance determined to keep anger living
The undisputed champion…
“Discouraged Soul”


Round 1
Round in circles feeling each other out…teasing taps of hostility…
First blow… an uppercut… with beaming starry eyes of empathy fall upon “Love”
The sun falls behind massifs of pain


Round 2
A clinch by love… arms moving in with hugs and affection…
A block on the evacuating spirit
“Love” is not supposed to be here
Breaking loose… “Discouraged soul”…throws a power shot to the body…
A counter punch by “Love” leaves “Discouraged Soul” in a daze…


Round 3.
Thoughts of no more tenderness fills the heart… here comes
“Discouraged Soul”…Dancing circles… oooo. A body shot to the left and right
Looks as if ‘Love” is slowing down…
“Discouraged Soul” steps back to give one more chance for Love to call it a draw


Round 4
Such effective aggression from “Discouraged Soul”…
Frustrated … “Love” is not going down… passion fills…
A low blow by “Discouraged Soul”
A clean punch by ‘Love”… leaves “Discouraged Soul” confused
“Love is taking on the Rope a Dope style…
Fondness devotion

This maybe it for “Discouraged Soul” rubbery legs is trying to hold but is unable…
“Discouraged Soul” takes a Teddy Pendergrass fall
Looks like another Love TKO…
“Love” once again takes another belt from a negative champion leaving “Discouraged Soul” to free the heart and be happy once again….

Jen Of Poetry™




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