ma fancy

ma fancy Poems

What is my dream after 2023, right?
My dream?
Do you have many dreams?

I want to talk to the cows outside the village
Looking for trouble
Both people and animals
It's not a village where there are only cows.

Love is a precious gift to you.
Love gives you special power.
Love is out to get you.
Love is light when you blind yourself.

The Best Poem Of ma fancy

23's Very Dream

What is my dream after 2023, right?
My dream?
Do you have many dreams?
Some don't dare to dream.
Some are not allowed to dream.
Unfair equal opportunity Peace and justice are lost. The cold is harsh and haunting.
In the dark of night I miss it.
Let's dream... Flat head Just sleep.
As per the title 23's very dream.
I really like this title.
My dream is
to have the same dream as everyone else I want to deep sleep
in Burmese night.

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