Diana Carter

Diana Carter Poems

You’re usually so quiet with a kind smile I adore
When your with me my heart beats faster then before
When I look into your eyes the whole world just melts away
It’s just you and me forever-what can I say?

I glance in your direction
You look up to meet my gaze
We hold it for a moment
But I break what seemed to last for days

The Best Poem Of Diana Carter

You - A Love Poem

You’re usually so quiet with a kind smile I adore
When your with me my heart beats faster then before
When I look into your eyes the whole world just melts away
It’s just you and me forever-what can I say?
But the illusion shatters in a moment
Of course my “friend” has something to declare
She has a way of saying what I know is real, you too by now know what she speaks of too
It ends in leaving my face red, which only seals my fate
Alas…another perfect moment ruined for what could only be all time as we now know it
But with it we both know that sad truth within,
One that we may never share out loud
For it may sever
Our small friendship
Thus spelling FIN

(But how can that be?
Cant you see-
That it was truly meant to be?)

You seem to open up to me
Let me know what you think, how you feel
We share an idea, some-what trivial or unreal
Just to see the smile of the other
One that makes our hearts nearly melt
From all we have felt,
In the gaze of the other

You say things that seem to say, “Wow, I think you’re great! ”
Yet by the time I realize, it’s too late
Will this forever be my fate?

Your friends too don’t find it rude to intrude
On our little talks,
Yet what they say is more to the point, not to leave me just clued
Like “Hey, I think you like him”, which ends in my “galks” in their direction
Yeah, great timing when I’m a mere 2 feet away from that of my affection
And unlike my friends yours bother me, not one, but all
But it’s still worth it since all I seem to do is fall

After class is over I wonder if you’re thinking the same as me-
Why would their friends be asking if I liked the one I plainly do, can’t they clearly see?
Is this an omen foretelling what could, no should be genuine

Yet still my heart is sinking
After all this thinking-
Who am I trying to kid
My dreams roll down the mountain, coming to a skid
Sure I may be one of the only girls he talks to, aside from my friends that is
But he’s nice to just about everyone, though he is given no respect
What am I but some girl who makes lame jokes about “shrooms” and dinos? which yield the same affect

Maybe I’m wrong who’s to say?
Sure I could go up to him and say-
“You know I like you, probably more than you know”
But how would that end? with my luck very badly
But does it matter now on this night though?
For I have no way to talk to him until the end of August
When finally I can end all this fuss-
With this little crush.

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