Cynthia Gomez

Cynthia Gomez Poems

your an angel
im just a mundane
your a piece of gods work
while im just plaine

Please don’t go away.
Ill love you everyday.
Please don’t go away.
I beg you please stay.

I turn up the volume.
I slit my wrist.
I just might go to the asylem,
if i cannot outwit.

Day and Night,
To keep you I would fight.
Winter and Fall,
Your always there when i call.

im a fighter
im a writer
im a dancer
but never a prancer

Stuck between two.
Don’t know which to choose.
It’s so painful.
I don’t have a clue of what to do.

When you left me,
I locked my heart.
So I don't bleed,
So I don't fall apart.

At times when I see you
My blood runs cold
My heart beats faster
Like I’ve fallen in a hole

Tears are falling
Mine they are
Thinking of making a new scar

someone that you always see
someone that cares
someone you go to in time of need
someone whos always there

i shouldnt love you anymore
i shgouldnt care
but i just want you more and more
its just not fair

whispering in the moonlight
telling myself everything is all right
tears streaming with fear
every thing becomes unclear.


our burning desire
is like blazing fire
as our bodys entwine
everything slips from mind

what is it about you,
that makes me feel this way?
what makes you so special,
that makes me feel like living everyday?

may the winter be joyful
and your hearts warm
while your children play
with the snowman they made.

why did i fall for you
why did i care
why did i cry because
now the pain i cannot bare

He cast me from heaven
for i would not obey
the simplest task
to stay away


one day perfect
next day ruined
one day fabulous
next day a burning ruin


a heart
as it rips
a knife
as it cuts.


do i hold you heart
or even a part
or is it she
that b

Cynthia Gomez Biography

i am 17 i write mostly about love or pain. when i write the poems i write im not always thinking when i write them so they may not make sence.)

The Best Poem Of Cynthia Gomez

Good Vs. Bad

your an angel
im just a mundane
your a piece of gods work
while im just plaine

you keep me tame
but without you i go insane
why was it to me you came
why am i so amshamed

your flawless skin
my never ending sins
your spring blue eyes
my heart full of lies

why is it i who you choose
im just bad news
i want you so much i do
but i shouldnt keep you..

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