Aleksandra Szymanska Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Tribute To Adam Mickiewicz...

Reduta Ordona (opowiadanie ajutanta, fragment) ...

Nam strzelać nie kazano - wstąpiłem na działo
I spojrzałem na pole dwieście armat grzmiało


I live in a house made of few cards,
no weather will ever surprise me...
If wind blows again, it'll rob me of heart;
rain will wash my brain... Who'll recognize me?

My Tribute To Juliusz Slowacki...

Hymn (Smutno mi, Boże...)

Smutno mi, Boże! - Dla mnie na zachodzie
Rozlałeś tęczę blasków promienistą;

'Vibratious' Reality...

‘Auntie, I love this story, but know you can't read it to me,
because there's something wrong, I'm upset by a bee...'
‘Sweetheart, I feel it too - the bee buzzes all day.
I know you suffer more than I do; I promise I'll find a way...

Water Existence...

Is life just a river meandering through time
on rough or smooth waves’ sinuous symphony?
Can it not straighten its ever winding course,
and bend what’s made straight by the hand of irony?

We're Not Alone...

I've dispersed one tear, let it pour down like rain.
I have strength - I can't see, but I'll rise again.
I will rise like the sun when the earth opens its eyes,
I will rise, all will change - you will realize...

Rajewski - The First Engima Code Breaker...

Why should you remember, mention his name?
Who was that guy, what had he done?
He hadn't done that for money and fame,
now credit's been given to the other man...

Winter Forecast...

The cold breath of the world soon will display its odd art
framed in arms of the winds chasing echo down earth’s heart…
It will showcase few bouquets of God’s frozen finger prints
on the window of each house touched by worklace of iced hints…


[*] [*] [*] Katyń [*] [*] [*]

Oh, Soldier, betrayed, disgraced!
Your weapon had been taken by the guile side.

I've Seen Dawn At Dusk...

I've seen Your painting, Your masterpiece - this is all I have got...
You are the artist of all times, You are meek, wise and humble.
I've seen the way you play with light, the way You tell things to merge and swap,
and there is something else about You - You save me before I stumble...

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