Your Smirk And Your Smile Poem by Enchanting Owl

Your Smirk And Your Smile

Rating: 5.0

These unwanted feelings are new territory.
Looking at you is like a new, unparalleled story.
Your smile, your eyes, your body—it's a sign of a new age.
It's when pain and sorrow collide—a great article for the front page.

You are the radiant sun, I am the pale moon.
We are inseparable, so we tied our knot in June.
But I arrived alone at this florid, flamboyant party.
My liquor is your happiness, and your sweat is my melancholy.

I know there's something missing—it's your opal eyes.
This body's aching; my skin is bleeding until it dries.
I do not want to point out the truth or the obvious.
If I did, for sure I would lose you—I'm piteous and inglorious.

You are walking towards me with that killing smile.
With the lovely dress to impress everyone, you take mile.
But not for me, the deserted wallflower this evening,
Your calculated plan is already laid out, and you are leaving.

This poem is for the people who keep fighting a losing battle. The signs are obvious, the feeling is telling your gut that something is wrong, and the treatment is leaving you alone. But you do not want to admit it because you don't want to lose the person.
S S 08 September 2023

I am always a wallpaper, thanks for this

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M H 09 September 2023

'This body's aching; my skin is bleeding until it dries.' your ability to make line like this is so amazing. solid 5

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Julrick Verallo 09 September 2023

'We are inseparable, so we tied our knot in June.' Indeed, June is a month of marriage, nicely done

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CJ DG 09 September 2023

I was like this before, one sided love, but later I know my worth, thanks for this

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Acir Eryat 08 September 2023

I felt sad after reading this, I had to read it 3 times

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S December 08 September 2023

this is so sad, what a powerful poem

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