Without My God Poem by Boston Kelley

Without My God

The source of my joy that I was once
near to,
A companion whom I could seek out
in my darkest moments,
A force that knocks down the thickest
A voice that lifts me up when I have fallen
I have seemingly lost.
My God, You are my Strength,
my Solid Rock, the foundation for my life.
In You, I have all that I need, the path of life
you have shown me.
Your wisdom has guided me, urging me to
follow You.
Your Presence cast out all hopelessness and
brought light to my darkened world.
Why have I gone so far from You?
How could I have wandered away?
I know Your commands and feel a longing to seek
You, yet I turn my face from You.
Your voice I hear speaking to me, convicting me of
my wrongdoings, but I disregard it.
Where have I gone?
What is this person that I have become?
I utter Christ's name but feel unworthy to call myself
His son.
I speak so highly of His commandments, but I disobey
them more than I wish.
I am like a piece of clay, allowing myself to be molded
by all things, moral and immoral.
I possess little defense against what is wrong
for it chips away at me with seemingly, fulfilling promises.
Bring me back to You, my God, so I can step back
onto the right path.
Lead me from this darkened place and take me back
to where Your light is.

Boston Kelley

Boston Kelley

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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