Wild Flowers/17: River In The Air Poem by Asit Kumar Sanyal

Wild Flowers/17: River In The Air

Rating: 5.0

Trees are the single most critical element
In the sustenance of life on earth
A tree not only gives us shade,
Fruits, vegetable, medicine and wood
But also discharges water into the air ….
Up to hundred gallons every day.
It releases ten percent more moisture
Into the atmosphere
Than the equivalent area of an ocean
More moisture in air means less heat,
Better air quality and more rains.

To clean up and combat pollution
And reduce global warming
Trees are mandatory in our surroundings
Don't cut the trees
Its generate forty percent of the oxygen
In our atmosphere
Also reduce CO2 levels
Plant trees as many as you can
Every tree that we add to the environment
Is a significant boost to life
And the quality of life for everyone.

Re-build the invisible river in the air
That we have already destroyed
In the name of civilization.

(Wild Flowers)

Wild Flowers/17: River In The Air
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: environment
Rajnish Manga 29 August 2015

A very timely reminder to all those concerned with environmental degradation and massive pollution surrounding us. Poems is an eye opener. Let us stop felling of trees. Thanks. You have rightly said: More moisture in air means less heat, Better air quality and more rains.

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Asit Kumar Sanyal 30 August 2015

Thanks for your impressive comment.

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Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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