What We Leave Behind Poem by Jim Yerman

What We Leave Behind

Her room was filled with a mixture of her family and friends…
Each one came to be with her…as her life was coming to an end…

Each person closed their eyes for a moment…once her soul had been set free.
Each person silently thinking…what this woman meant to me…

A scene that plays out every second around the world…when someone loved departs
There was a tear in every eye…but happiness in our hearts.

I was gathered with them…and though no-one spoke I was aware
How even in the silence of that room…their thoughts floated in the air…

She taught me how to laugh…
She taught me hot how to cry
She taught me how to walk…
She taught me how to fly

She taught me about compassion…
She taught me how to swear…
She taught me about acceptance
She taught me how to share…

And my thoughts joined with the others…
She taught me how to live…
She taught me how to love…
She taught me to forgive…

And I couldn't help thinking standing there…knowing she was finally gone…
How she may never be here with us again…but what she taught us all lives on.

And how it really does matter how we live our life…
as part of man and womankind…
because the way we live our life each day
is what we leave behind.

Friday, June 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death,inspiration,memories
Samra 29 June 2018

Nice topic but very sad and lesson able poem, it means that something that evoked your emotions.

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