What Shall I Do This Morning....? Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

What Shall I Do This Morning....?

Rating: 5.0

What shall I do this morning….?

Please give me advice, but if you can't do it, I'm not angry at all,
the morn started with a beautiful smiling face,
my kind neighbour is hanging her clothes outside,
as many beautiful colours as in a carnaval parade,
since still early,
it's rather fresh morning, still not visible,
the warm glow that is typical to present himself to the world surrounding him,
well, the most beautiful face I meant,
are not my caring friends with their tropical temperament,
but my beautiful red red roses in the remoted back yard,
had not even have a little nightmare last night, how smart!
being talkative to the self is my only option,
I often shun my caring friends because of my non-conversational nature,
but they may come here as oft as they wish, for their peaceful rest,
except for the weekend, Monday is my only day off, which is the best!

So what should I do today? I still need advice, please....
but if you can't do that, no problem at all, but I don't feel at ease,
I am not at home during midweek,
I have to work,
my busy activities are outside the door, that is the only thing,
I need to do city-biking….

©Sylvia frances Chan -
All Rights Reserved
The Netherlands

What Shall I Do This Morning....?
I am not at home during midweek,
I have to work,
my busy activities are outside the door, that is the only thing,
I need to do city-biking….

©Sylvia Frances Chan -
All Rights Reserved
The Netherlands
Mahtab Bangalee 25 February 2020

beautiful, wise, introspective, good neighbor makes the around good makes the environment of society good so let's, get up early and pay a gratefulness to the almighty and smile with the fairness of dawn let the own ear listen the natural hymn of birds, trees, winds, stream of rivers, let the own mind prepare to behave everyone goodly let the earth be good as like as dawn beautiful smiling

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Anjandev Roy 24 February 2020

for their peaceful rest.......beautifully depicted. anjandev roy.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 24 February 2020

Yes, Poetess Magadha has pointed out the right thing! Extremely well penned...10. Stay always happy healthy and blessed!

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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