Visit Me In Spring Poem by Lodigiana Poetess

Visit Me In Spring

Dusty, grey old headstones, regimented row on row.
I'm sure it must be fine but somewhere I'dchose not to go…
This sea of dead with crumbling stones that shatter and deface,
this designated place of rest in cloistered enclosed space.
When finally I go to sleep for all eternity,
I want to be surrounded by phenomenal beauty.
I want to find a grassy hill that overlooks a stream
where rainbows end and lovers stand together -just to dream.
A meadow soft with tender leaves now fallen on the ground,
and flowers of a cornflower blue grow wildly all around.
A habitat where creatures great and small can safely roam,
Where butterflies and birds fly high each seeking out their home.
Just put me in my wicker bed, laid ‘neath a silver birch,
where somewhere in the distance I can hear the choir in church.
Their voices drifting gently through my leaves whilst they all sing,
and when you come to see me, please come visit me in spring!
Where flowers grow unfettered, all so scented, wild and free,
and golden daffodils, like lanterns, lead a path to me.
Just sit beneath my branches, as my roots will now be deep
and love the nature round you, just enjoy it..whilst I sleep……

Visit Me In Spring
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,death
Chris Embrick 28 March 2018

A beautiful place to rest. A peaceful poem for the soul. Thank you dear one.10

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Lodigiana Poetess 28 March 2018

You are welcome my friend! I guess its never too early to contemplate eternity.! A beautiful, peaceful place to rest and become part of the wonder of nature...thank you so much Chris, for your lovely words which I hope brings some tranquility in an otherwise busy world.. Lodigiana x

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