Vincent Van Gogh 13 - In Amsterdam Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 13 - In Amsterdam

Rating: 5.0

When Vincent returned home to his parents in Zundert,
They knew that their son was going through a mental trauma.
His father advised him: ' Dear Son, you are not fit for all these shops.
Your heart must be guiding you towards service of God.
Why not go to Amsterdam, stay with Uncle Jan and take up
Religious studies in the University of Amsterdam?
One member of the Van Gogh family had always
Dedicated their life to the ministry and service of God.'

Following his father's advice, Vincent decided to study religion.
Uncle Jan or Vice Admiral Johannes Van Gogh - a high ranking officer
In Dutch Navy, invited his nephew Vincent to stay with him in Amsterdam.
In honour of his nephew's arrival, he donned his smart Navy uniform.
He stood at the entrance to receive Vincent. He had a sprawling house all to himself.
All his children were married and away. It was, indeed,
A pleasure for him to accommodate Vincent, during his period of study.

Vincent was also greeted by another relative -Reverend Stricker!
A reputed clergyman in Amsterdam, Stricker was married
To Wilhelmina - his mother's sister - his aunt.
After the initial greetings, Vincent was informed that
They had arranged a tutor for him too - a fine scholar
Of classical languages named Mendes de Costa.
Mendes would be Vincent's teacher for Latin & Greek.
Stricker also invited Vincent to his home for Sunday dinner.

Here began a new life for Vincent of much reading and learning!
It looked as if the bright sun had waved away the lonely grey clouds.
The Dutch skies looked clear, bright and luminous.
Vincent wrote to his brother Theo:
'Not a day without a line, by writing, reading, working
And practicing daily, perseverance will lead me to a good end.
I have a lot of work to do, but still, I have the firm hope to succeed.
It will take time. It is what everybody says.'

A Biographical Poem

Friday, June 10, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: true,story,life,human life,choice,study,religion
This poem is a biographical poem on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone.
Rajnish Manga 17 June 2022

The narrative about Vincent's life in Amsterdam was quite gripping. He found a very positive environment there. Incredibly interesting.

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Richard Wlodarski 14 June 2022

What an incredibly informative, insightful and exquisite series. Geeta, it's a masterpiece! Thank you so much for this treasured gift!

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A most pertinent account of the all-important period of transition in the life of Vincent Van Gogh. Top score, Geeta

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Anjandev Roy 11 June 2022

Prolific work......thank u, dear poetess....

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Nabakishore Dash 11 June 2022

Nicely crafted poem Dear poet mam.

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