Unknown Indigenous International Broker Problems & Solutions Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Unknown Indigenous International Broker Problems & Solutions

what i'm learning from Accounting
including the past of Lean Sigma
although Marketing and Advertisement got people hooked on impression
and so i might need to rent a suite in a skyscraper or similiar
then again why pay for expenses in the Debit column as standing order
when i can skip str8 to raising the taxes on property in my neighborhood buy getting that municipal permission to turn my property into a business
then again existing or taking over a previous business
cause it is just microfinancing including international brokering
including the standard connection to the financial institutions internationally plus information technology...

so basically i need the series exams to be passed as stated
to include the accountant certifications which is international also too
now this particular association i can get my degree from Oxford or London University viathen i go for defeating Europe studies and have that prestige on my webpage and on the wall which solidifies trust
along with being former military
as you see i be putting in work to make the work work for me
if i get that law degree on-line from Taft then that would do well too
already got so much going on to the point where i can't be beat by my last times
i rather challenge my Ancestors like um yeah you keep filling me immah catch up tah ya
perfection is all i know now
while being an unknown indigenous international broker on a mission....

Sunday, September 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: today
now if i find out someone is doing it too then immah be like wow the rhythm is definitely being used and it would not surprise me one bit either although immah see though....
Error Success