Two Soldiers-A Play Poem by Rohan Bendre

Two Soldiers-A Play

(Stage Opens)

Common Man- With The Day Explaining It's Own Importance Let The Celebrations Begin
With Mighty Quantification.

(Common Man Continues)

With Their Contribution in Assuring our Security Such Important Their Role We Should
Felicitate for their Mighty Dedication a day we Dedicate.

Soldier- Your Gesture is Worth to Appreciate But Should I Interrupt to urge you to Participate? .

Common Man- With your Mighty Role in our Country's Security such Wonderful
May I Know in what way i can be Helpful?

Soldier- In the Role I Surely Play my Part But there are some things for Which Support
Is Needed to Assure Justification.

Common Man- Can You Provide a much better Explanation Such that I Can Show
My Active Participation?

Soldier- Your Security is my Responsibility But How can your Security carry
Affirmation When Low Quality Food is in Provision? .

Common Man- At a Great Speed should the Reaction Come for poor Quality
Food Supplied Mighty helpful will be the result when Numerous People will
Indulge in Active Opposition.

(Common Man Continues)

Not only This is a case of Poor Quality's Distribution But Also for the Mighty Service
Rendered It is a Cruel Joke's Initialization.

Soldier- With Your Support Thankful is the Word But Mere Criticism will not Satisfy
As more Practical and Drastic Steps will Apply.

Common Man- In an Attempt to Ensure Justice's Assurance All I Need is your

Soldier- As Said Earlier What is Needed Are Steps Such Practical and Drastic.

Both- Then The Result will be Magical and Majestic.

(Soldier Continues)

Unite and Lift the Pen Against The Low Quality Food Give your Views and Opinions
Such Valuable and Show The World of great Things you are Capable.

Common Man- To the Concerned Authorities write Letters give some Valuable Suggestions
For the Food Supplied Ask Some Questions.

Common Man- Then Justice will Add up as an Immediate Possibility.

Soldier- Then in justice there will be Justification.

Common Man- When Against the Guilty there will be Active Participation.

Soldier- My Role in our Country's Role is surely Emminent But your Contribution
Is that Equivalent.

Common Man- With The Question often asked Plenty of times I Have tried to
Contribute But it failed to Achieve the result such Accurate

(Soldier Interrupts)

Soldier- So you choosed not to participate.

Common Man- But My Participation was still to ask a question for my contribution
Such demanding Had I Done the Job such vital and commanding a stand.

Soldier- No Sooner your participation will come in the picture than there will
Be Change in the picture.

(Soldier Continues)

When Your Participation was asking to come in the picture had you choosen to be
Active Irrespective of the outcome wouldn't result had been massive.

A Vital Role will be played by your deligence and Alertness then a change will the
Scene Witness Against the Anti Social Elements take a stand such Critical
Participate through polls and petitions feedback and Agitations.

(Soldier and Common Man make a Chain)

Both- When the dual force will unite and fight then justice will have been Served in
The Sight.


Sunday, January 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: patriotic,play
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