Tragedy Of Love Poem by Kwenadi Gaaje

Tragedy Of Love

Wind of greedy walks beneath cemented truth to convince my heart to fall for another man
Yet! temptations I felt.
I torch the house of love
How dare I break the chain of a strong divine love?

Our love is built on greed and wickedness.
Blinded by wealth - You'll are
My tears you do not see
My forlornness you do not feel
My crying soul you do not hear
Teared apart is my heart that loves a man of my own.

Not to talk of "Love"
Hate for you - is within my heart
Fear within my soul is that of losing you
Despicable love I have with him is none treasured than that I have with you.

With you - I speak the language of thee unknown
Love not meant to be is that of you and I
Love meant to be is that of him and I

Ore' he designed in me is all gone
Drowning deep in tests of forlornness
Yearning for his words of comfort
Longing for his tender touch
I barely feel his hand touching me.

His touch I long to feel
I barely hear his laughter
I recapture our love
Is all I have
All I have is him - me in the land of our own.

My body Is with you
Yet! my soul with him
He is my body and soul
I will forever love him
It's him I love...

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: sad love
Kwenadi Gaaje

Kwenadi Gaaje

Kutlwanong Location, Odendaalsrus
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