Tomorrow's Man May Not Like Us Be Poem by me poet yeps poet

Tomorrow's Man May Not Like Us Be

Rating: 5.0

Incredibly we all have
even orchids genes and animals
all by now know
an admixture of nature
tadpoles to fish to weeds and seeds
to banana and grape vines
peaches mulberry and maple
what ever name ye

we all have their genes
ask apes
where they came from and jumped from tree to tree
made Tarjans out of us

we are moving plants
fiery animals and now sad
worse at times
from our ancestry
gentle was it

but man has ruined man's name
what will be will be
artificial intelligence and internet pro-to types
one has yet to see
what man will out of us one day
make can any one tell me....

at least search me

Thursday, June 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: gender,genes,genesis,human and animal,human being,human brain,human condition,made in china,made in usa,madness
Bhargabi Dei Mahakul 07 June 2018

Artificial intelligence is wonderfully correlated with gene mutation. I wonder entirely about your humorous and clever expression. All types of genes are available in Earth. Incredibly searching self is an amazing attempt. Rating 10 FOR THIS POEM....10

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 08 June 2018

we must all use our minds leave all archaic views behind and search for newer vistas and you will find thanks for the 10 for the firstTIME 349 READ ME THANKS ALL DO READ MY TWO GOOD POEMS MOMS SMILES AND MOTHER'SDAY TODAY YOU WILL LIKE IT THANKX

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You Again 07 June 2018

You are not like us now. Just a fool writing like your tool.

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