To You Poem by Joanne Togati

To You

To You

Your touch
brings simple revelations
Lips talking kinship
To my ears and
Eyes whose vision
My life repairs

Our breathing is
My inhale
From your exhale
A silently enscribed ring
It was once lost under a hill
Of browned grass
Dried up like the stalks of figs
Somewhere then
clinging to the dust
And over my then agressor's tomb

So I took to you,
Like the sun onto my fiery head
Such whispers that waxed enchantments' flame
When you spoke them to my then almost defeated heart
It would have been 5 years to the day
That I warily searched
My charred surroundings
For this gift of union

This is the situation I've learned to run from
For fear and excitement that these words have not yet been spoken
In such rare form,
But to you they go like willing soldiers to their deathbed

It is you I speak this to
Even though my skin has been brushed with
The pomegranate seed

In the dream-vault that was my life
I carried such sadness like sacks of heavy flour
For years
Leaking traces in lines behind me
Leaving their white so that if someone was aware
He could find me

But no other man did find the way
To trace that single line others walked through
Soon distorting its once noble path

Unlike them, you performed my impossible
Thwarted only by ignorant hesitations
Of not allowing my heart's rule to be heard

Yet to speak those words
That are to love,
What an emperor is
To his empire,
Is the blooming
Of the united empire's soul.

Joanne Togati

Joanne Togati

Brooklyn, NY
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