Tirukkural Chapter 08 - Couplets 7,8,9,10 Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Tirukkural Chapter 08 - Couplets 7,8,9,10

poதிருக்குறள் -THIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 8 - அன்புடமை
80/07. என்பி லதனை வெயில்போலக் காயுமே
அன்பி லதனை அறம்.

80/07. Enbi ladhanai vaeilpaolak kaayumae
Anbi ladhanai arram.

80/07. The boneless worms die in the hot son.
Likewise, lives with no love will perish by kindness.
Rajan: It is like someone fights with you,
But you show kindness to him.

Ram: When clapping two palms,
Right there sound comes,
If one palm withdraws,
There's only silence.

In the land God wants peace.
The silent majority also want peace.
But a few minorities want wars
To sell their ammunitions.

There's a saying diplomacy is
Better part of the valor, yes,
One should use kindness
Just to diffuse roughness.

திருக்குறள் -THIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 8 - அன்புடமை
80/08. அன்பகத்து இல்லா உயிர்வாழ்க்கை வன்பாற்கண்
வற்றல் மரம்தளிர்த் தற்று.

80/08. Anbagathu illaa yuirvazhkkai vanpaarrkann
Vatral maramthallirth thartru.

80/08. Men who have no love in their hearts live
Like a dry tree trying to grow in a desert.
Rajan: What is fate of men with no love?

Ram: They're like withered trees
Trying to grow fresh leaves
In a desert with no water
Even to drink there.

Princely life Buddha gave up.
A mendicant life he took up.
He wandered here and there
To preach non-violence everywhere.

He loved even animals
Meant for sacrifice
And preached kindness
To those voiceless animals.

திருக்குறள் -THIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 8 - அன்புடமை

08/09. புறத்துறுப்பு எல்லாம் எவன்செய்யும் யாக்கை
அகத்துறுப்பு அன்பி லவர்க்கு.

08/09. Purrathurruppu ellaam evanseiyum yaakkai
Agathurruppu anbi lavarkku.

08/09. For a person who have no love inside his body
What is the use of outside place, wealth or duty?
Rajan: The world has changed. There is
Roughness everywhere.

Ram: There was a small king
Who wanted to kill a big king.
He hid a knife inside a holy book
And went to him with a divine look.

All the holy men, the big king met,
Welcomed and washed their feet.
The small king shed tears
For the big king's kindness.

He went back without killing
Though his heart was burning
For paying the big king ransom
That was a sum more handsome.

திருக்குறள் -THIRUKKURAL
அதிகாரம் 8 - அன்புடமை

08/10. அன்பின் வழியது உயிர்நிலை; அஃதிலார்க்கு
என்புதோல் போர்த்த உடம்பு.

08/10. Anbin vazhiyadhu uyirnilai; agthillaarikku
Enbuthaol porththa udambu.

08/10. A true living body functions in kind ways.
The body without love is just a skeleton covered by a blanket.
Rajan: I understand that without kindness
The body is just a bag of bones.

Ram: If we live like animals
Kindness is not required.
For food animals kill
With no love or will.

God gave this body love.
Man should somehow
Exhibit that love outside
Instead of hiding it inside.

The poet has in several ways
Insisted on showing kindness
To all the God's creations
For one's everlasting peace.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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