Time To Let Go Poem by Alice Cordy

Time To Let Go

I know it’s sad to say
I cannot continue with this game we play
We are constantly hurting each other
Even though we still wants to be lovers
Our hearts are in the right places
But we need to stop these embraces

I don’t want to feel guilty
As it’s really not in my personality
It is breaking all my moral and aspects
Which I need back for my own respect
I need to rebuild my circle of life
Not having a guilty conscious on any upcoming strife

I will always hold you near
Within my heart for years
As you constantly mean something to me
And I hope you will always see.
You were my best friend,
And hopeful to my life’s end
You were my loving, caring hubby
Who accepted me when I was chubby
I seen you as my soul mate
Like women addicted to chocolate.

You hold my heart ever so dear
Just wanting to make that clear
Right from the start
No-one ever thought we would part
We were so much alike
Now it is time for us to ride our bike

It is time for me to let you go
So you can seek and grow
With that special person by your side
To enjoy your journey ride.

I will always be here, if you ever need a friend
A shoulder to cry on or someone to just listen.
You will always be my bud.

Time To Let Go
Monday, May 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lost love
Pranesh Patil 11 May 2015

Lovely poem... I will always be here, if you ever need a friend A shoulder to cry on or someone to just listen. - impressive

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