There's A Budgie Loose Poem by WES Vogler

There's A Budgie Loose

Rating: 5.0

Warning... warning...there's a budgie loose
And he likes to swim in champagne
He also likes chips and tomato juice
We've admonished the bird but in vain

His name it is Royal the second
He is on a year's trial you see
And it's not working out we have reckoned
But he's taken a liking to me

He lands in my hair in a frenzy sublime
And races around full of glee
I don't care to wear a cap all the time
But he's taken a liking to me

A glass that's half-full of fresh water
Is an invitation... if tipped
Someone please get us a blotter
It's bath time... the budgie has flipped

For sixty long years it has ever been thus
A stream of the feather-ed beasts
Somehow they always add up as a plus
And blend in with the seasonal feasts

There's A Budgie Loose
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,people
Kim Barney 29 December 2019

Your last line ... blend in with the seasonal feasts... Budgies are small, but I hear they taste like chicken. Feast away, Wes!

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Kim Barney 29 December 2019

My brother and I found some some baby magpies that had fallen out of their nest. A neighbor had a talking magpie so we took these home with the intention to teach them to talk, but we had too many cats around the farm...

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Kelly Kurt 28 December 2019

I had many parkeets when I was a boy. My elder brother had many too. We finger trained quite a few. They were allowed to fly about our room. (The curtains were stained.) Wonderful pets. Enjoy!

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wes vogler 28 December 2019

Happy times Kelly me lad 2020 is a coming

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 28 December 2019

Wonderful and very charming read, I really enjoy your poems and how excellently you weave the words into lines. Bravo!

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wes vogler 28 December 2019

now don't compliment me else I shall cry Budgies can be very engrossing this one hangs from the bill of my cap and looks me in the eye Eventually like some of the others he will learn to say " Wotcha doin? '

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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