The World - My Interpretation Poem by Jenny O'Kane

The World - My Interpretation

What do you see in the world,
Every laugh, every tear, every person,
Each day and night that passes,
Do you see it worsen and worsen!

A lonely soul, cold and dying,
Dogs abused and left to be stray,
A child hurt, can you hear them crying,
Empty hearts, just lost their way!

What do you see in the people,
Every touch, every sight,
Every cold and stale heart,
Do you ever see how thay see?

A squirel stripped of its home,
A bear without a fur,
Eskemos without a dome,
A cat lost without its pur!

What do you see from yourself,
Every drive, every factory, every cigerette,
The smoke risen up to the sky,
Do you ever stop and think?

A polar bear drowned without any ice,
A country left standing,
An african with nothing but rice,
A bird without a landing!

The world you thought you lived in,
Is not the world today,
This is my interpretation,
Have a voice and have a say!

Ben Gieske 16 December 2008

Very nicely written. We need to answer this kind of question. The world won’t get any better without us. You have chosen a lot of great images and metaphors.

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