The True Force Divine Moves Poem by Mohammad Younus

The True Force Divine Moves

The true force divine moves...
...the vast world of creation:
Radiating light, glowing life, and deep secrets;
Consider, man, whither thy soul is going?
Behold the way that goes through your heart to the Lord;
Behold, how His Light shows the way to Himself;
And know that His Light crushes all darkness;
For from the depths of darkness...
...God leads into light: The Truth!
The Truth is the final reality - everlasting!
The untruth cannot lastingly prevail!
O man, abandon falsehood, strive on... falcons flying toward the skies;
Discovering: Immortality! Eternity!
How canst thou call real what is ephemeral?
THERE has been an endless span of time...
...before man came to this world;
Then God created man out of a drop of sperm intermingled;
And made him a being endowed with...
...hearing and sight;
To show him the way to Himself;
It rests with man to journey through space and time...
...towards the truth;
Blessed is He whom the truth has kissed...
..on his eyes and ears;
He sees God's light in all the things of the world;
He hears God's word resonating from all the things;
He, therefore, loves beauty...
...and says nothing is ugly;
He loves the beautiful, because it tells of God;
God is beautiful and He loves His own beauty!
The people with eyes see His beauty...
...spread out in the whole of universe...
...because it is profound and never dies!


The True Force Divine Moves
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