The Rose Of Avalon Poem by Mervyn Graham

The Rose Of Avalon

In the realm of Avalon, 'neath emerald skies,
Where the river of enchantment calmly lies,
There lived a maiden, fair as morning dew,
Her name was Elara, with eyes of sapphire blue.

In Avalon, where magic danced in air,
And blooming gardens spread beyond compare,
Elara's grace was famed near and far,
But her heart carried a deep, hidden scar.

For though she lived in a land so blessed,
A heavy sorrow lay upon her chest.
The love she yearned for, with every beat,
Lay beyond her reach, a dream so sweet.

In Avalon's midst, a legend old,
Spoke of a rose, with petals so bold.
A flower of power, offered love so rare,
But those who sought it must beware.

It bloomed in the grove where shadows played,
Guarded by spells that never decayed.
Many had tried, but ne'er returned,
For the rose's secret fiercely burned.

Elara knew that her only chance
To break the spell and find romance
Was to venture forth into the night,
Guided by the moon's silvery light.

Through whispering woods and glistening streams,
She followed the path seen in her dreams.
The air was thick with mystic charms,
Yet she pressed on, with open arms.

The trees seemed to murmur ancient rhymes,
Of heroes lost in forgotten times.
Yet Elara's spirit would not be swayed,
Her heart's desire led her unafraid.

At last, but she reached the enchanted glade,
Where the rose's brilliance softly swayed.
Its petals glowed with a golden hue,
Promising a love pure and true.

But as she approached, a voice did speak,
From shadows deep, mysterious but meek.
'To claim the rose, you must be true,
Face your fears and let love renew.'

Elara stood tall, her heart laid bare,
Embracing the magic that filled the air.
Her sorrow dissolved, like morning mist,
As the rose's petals she gently kissed.

In that moment, the skies turned bright,
Avalon bathed in radiant light.
The rose transformed into a key,
Unlocking her heart, setting her free.

Her love appeared, as if in a dream,
A knight so brave, with eyes that gleam.
Together they stood, hand in hand,
Bound by the magic of this sacred land.

In the realm of Avalon, 'neath emerald skies,
Where the river of enchantment calmly lies,
Elara found her love so true,
In a place where dreams and magic grew.

Mervyn Graham (May 2024)

The Rose Of Avalon
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