The Real Divine Lover Poem by Mohammad Younus

The Real Divine Lover

Love that is most enormous and most pristine is the Divine Love;
The divine lover's heart opens like the closed petals of Lotus flower;
He gets so much mesmerized, that he sees divine face in each blossoming flower;
He seeks to hold and hug the divine that he sees smiling in each blossoming flower;
He withdraws from the outside world to meditate on the divine;
And there he finds the divine beauty in the secluded privacy of his heart;
He gazes at the divine beauty and wants that he be gazed upon in return;
He wants to love and be loved and be touched by the divine musical waves;
He strongly wills in his heart never to leave listening to the melodies divine;
Not realising that often it is hard for a person to keep his promise,
If you really desire to fulfill the eternal covenant, then you must not Stand...
...on the crossroads of mundane and and divine love;
If you break your promise that you have made in eternity, you will have to repent and weep...
...for all lives to come, until you are raised from the dead;
Lucky is the person who wins the love of his lord!
Pity on person who misses to say balaa to the question of Alast!
When the Love's journey is begun in obedience to the rules in the Manual of Love...
...there remains no doubt for the traveller on Love's path to reach his destination.


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