The Pill Chill Willie Poem by Buddy Bee Anthony

The Pill Chill Willie

Rating: 5.0

If I could live my life as
Chill Willie The Pill
I'd have little time to ponder
how many girls
I'd loved before
How much lust I'd awoke
or the ganja I smoked
while slamming a heavenly ki.
I'd make hay each sunshiny day
playing slide guitar
for an exhorbenant fee
If I could once be
The Pill Chill Willie
If you were to scrape up the fee
for a ticket to see me
there'd be an all points bulletin
going off in your head
a four alarm fire
in your Murphy Bed
If I were as chill as Willie The Pill
There's little doubt
I'd be much further ahead
Living life
loving then leaving
more luscious women
than most men
could even conceive
My songs would crackle
and sparkle like fire
I'd juggle my schedule
Be a real good liar
For all the girls
I loved before
I'd light up
the good stuff
do shotguns
on heated marble floors.
If I could be
Chill Willie The Pill
I'd grow the wackiest Tobacky
folks ever did see.
Snort fat lines of coke
polish off a generous ki.

I'd make more hay
all night and day
Singing your life back to you
for a crippling fee.

Then, trade in my pay
to get more than my fill
seizing every new day
like Chill Willie
The Pill.

All copyrights, and editing rights reserved as is by this author

Re-edited 01/01/2023 @ 8: 25 AM Pacific Standard Time

Buddy Bee Anthony

Friday, July 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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